Claudio Ceruti


claudio.ceruti84 (at)

About me

My name is Claudio Ceruti.

I'm a machine learning researcher, my main interests are deep learning and its applications, and the social impact of AI. I was a postdoc researcher at the Computer Science department of Università degli Studi di Milano. I've obtained my Ph.D. in Mathematics and Statistic for Computational Science, and my M.Sc. in Computer Science from Università degli Studi di Milano. I worked in the PHuSe laboratory and I worked with the Vision Learning Group of Dartmouth College during my Ph.D. My academic researches were mainly in deep learning, particularly the application of manifold learning techniques to gain insights on the internal behaviour of deep models. I have always been fascinated by the possibility for artificial machines to address the raw data complexity and automatically inferring knowledge from it. At the same time, the growing spread of automated reasoning, moved me to enquiry the actual impact of these technologies on society and individuals.



A MATLAB implementation of the intrinsic dimensionality estimation techniques described by the articles in the publications section is available here

An R implementation is also available here by Kerstin Johnsson.



My profile on Google Scholar